Princeton University (Eligible for social science postdoc only)*

Contact:  Michael Strauss,

Princeton University is playing a major role in the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time.  Princeton is one of several centers developing the code to process the Rubin Observatory images from raw pixels to calibrated catalogs, with a particular emphasis on the annual data releases.  Relevant science interests at Princeton include but are not limited to transient astronomy, transits of extrasolar planets, Milky Way structure, low surface-brightness astronomy, galaxy evolution, weak lensing, active galaxies and quasars, and large-scale structure.  We are also partners in the Subaru HyperSuprime-Cam, the Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS), the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, Simons Observatory, and HAT-PI.  The department is also very strong in theoretical and computational astrophysics.  We are a very interactive department, with a strong culture of mentorship, and postdocs have ample opportunity to mentor students.

Each postdoctoral fellow is assigned a faculty mentor, with whom they meet on a regular basis.  There are also regular postdoc lunches and many weekly seminars and colloquia, daily astro-ph coffees, and many other opportunities to interact.    The department has of order 50 postdoctoral fellows and research astronomers, over a dozen of whom are actively working on Rubin-related software or science, so there is a large community into which the fellow will find support and become a member. 

The department webpage is

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