Dario Carbone


My main research interests lie in time domain astronomy, and in particular in the characterization of the transient rate of high energy transient sources. The Vera C. Rubin Observatory promise to bear transformational results in this area, and that is my main interest in such project.

Throughout my career I worked in very diverse environments, from large institutions hosting students and faculties from a variety of nations and backgrounds, to minority serving institutions such as HSIs and HBCUs, like the one I am currently at. I will bring my work and life experiences of such diverse background to the development of an LSSTC Catalyst Fellow. Moreover, I worked both in very large collaborations and in small research groups, and I experienced all the pros and cons of both. The large collaborations taught me how to negotiate with a many people, especially when writing publications and proposals, while the small research groups helped me improving on how to deal with the group leader in a more direct and personal manner.
