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Science Collaboration Mentors

Strong Lensing (SLSC)

Timo Anguita


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In general I am interested in strong lensing in all of its scales. However, most of my interest is towards strongly lensed quasars: measuring H0, massive (lens) galaxies structure and evolution, and background AGN characterization through microlensing. I am particularly interested in using microlensing affected lensed quasar light curves to study the structure of background accretion disks.

Graham Smith


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I have a broad background in extragalactic astronomy and cosmology, including strong and weak gravitational lensing, galaxy cluster physics, galaxy evolution, and large scale structure. I now focus on gravitationally lensed explosive transients of all kinds, with a special interest in working towards detecting the kilonova counterpart to a gravitationally lensed binary neutron star merger. Rubin will be key to this, given its wide field of view and sensitivity.

Aprajita Verma


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I am interested in the discovery and analysis of strong lenses discovered in Rubin. In particular, I am interested in the source properties of very high redshift strongly lensed galaxies as well as the properties of high redshift lenses. From a technical perspective, I contribute to the development of the strong lensing pipeline and the challenges faced by strong lensing discovery in Rubin data. This includes the integration of machine learning discovery algorithms and the interplay with visual inspection through citizen scientists.