Akhtar Mahmood

Science Collaboration(s): 
Dark Energy (DESC)

I am interested in working on developing algorithms and software needed to pursue accurate cosmological studies using weak lensing - quantitative assessment of potential biases in photometric redshift/cosmic shear estimators, and to develop solutions for tomographic cosmic shear analyses. At DESC, I am involved with DESC’s PhoSim (Photon Simulator) project. I am running the PhoSim jobs (generating the PhoSim simulation data) on the Bellarmine Tier 2 HPC cluster that is linked to the Open Science Grid (OSG) cyberinfrastructure using Condor. Bellarmine University's HPC cluster hosts the DESC PhoSim Rubin Survey# 1 data that is available in the public domain. I am also serving as one of the Rubin DP0 delegates. Bellarmine University's 384 core HPC cluster with 200TB disk storage space is being used as a Rubin-DESC computing resource. We also have 9 high-end data analysis workstations and a state-of-the art 16 ft x 5 ft Hiperwall visualization display system in the Advanced Visualization and Computational Lab (AVCL). Bellarmine University is a LSSTC member institution that is part of the Kentucky Association for Research with LSST (KARL), a consortium of eight universities in Kentucky.
